Saturday, February 25, 2006

snail - stop motion animation

Originally uploaded by Ding Ding1.
Here i created a snail character to animate, to animate it you take photos and move the snail bit by bit, I think it is really cool.

ITV 3 - Stop Motion animation

Originally uploaded by Ding Ding1.
Here I made a character for my channel, I was thinking of using this character for my ident, but I thought it was too childern like and not in keeping with the channel.

Friday, February 24, 2006


Here I used flash to animate my little itv3 character. I made him wave his hand by moving the hand bit by bit on a sperate frame, then I made his hands spin round by adding a tween motion. I liked using using I think you can create some really cool animations but it is a bit tricky to get the hang of how every thing works and it is a little time consuming.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Logo Process

To do the logo I traced the orindanal logo in illusrtator using the guide lines to help me.


A never ending image, it is the same inage that is repeated as you zoom into it.

Background cover to my test card

Originally uploaded by Ding Ding1.
Here i have done a black fading to white background. I did this using the gradient tool and then using the levels tool.


Originally uploaded by Ding Ding1.
Here I have got a photo of a character from one of the programs from itv 3, and changed it into an illustration. I was thinking of using this idea for my idents

Final test card

Monday, February 06, 2006

Test Cards

Above is a website that tells you about how you use your test card.

It was used for people to check that their tv picture was correctly set, but also it was used when there was nothing on at that time.

here are some examples

Friday, February 03, 2006

test card one

This is my starting point for my test card for ITV 3. As ITV 3 is mostly detectives I tried to go along with that theme.