Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Different brushes

Using different brushes on photoshop.
For each of the different brushes on each pic I changed one or more of the brush settings to get their effect.
In the top left box I used a size 19 brush, Angle 40, Roundness 4, Hardness 48, Spacing 149, Scattering 177, angle jitter 100 and smoothing on.
The top right was 58 brush, spacing 79, Jitter size 45, pen pressure, scattering on and dual brush 42.
the middle left was brush 95, Spacing 57, Jitter size 45, pen pressure on and wet edges on.
The middle right was brush 29, angle 45, roundness 56, spacing 87, Jitter size 20, fade 25, angle jitter 58, pen pressure on, smoothing on and opacity 100.
The bottom left was brush 65, roundness 12, hardness 52, spacing 151, jitter size 20, fade 25, angle jitter 58, pen pressure on and noise on.
The last one was 133 brush, angle 33, roundness 44, hardness 6, spacing 124, jitter size 10, stylus wheel, angle jitter 4, initial direction, dual brush 112, diameter 75, spacing 26, scatter 96 and count 3.
Each one with a different colour to stand out.
My favorite ones are the 3rd, 4th and 5th one because they stand out the most and I think are the most unusual.

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